Thursday 25 April 2024

Thursday report

 We thank you for your patience  Äiti is a bit 'off grid' right now. But we most definitely are not.   

Kalle has made excellent progress and his eyes are bright and clear - lovely and round rather than all squinty and gunky.

He is coming downstairs more and seems to be getting on with most of the Felocrats - Otso can be a bit big and scary though.

I am fine and have even been outside for the first time this spring. In protest at Äiti's poor blogging though, I refused to have my photo taken properly.

Mesi is really missing Sampo and she is spending a  lot of time on Äiti's lap She had never been a snuggler - except with her burmese relatives - but now she is a tortie velcro strip.


  1. So nice to see a post from you- I missed you. Glad Kalle's eyes are better. XO

  2. Mukava kuulla päivitystä! Olen ajatellut teitä.

  3. I am glad the ops on Kalle's eyes was a success.
    It is good to see you all back again.


We love comments from our Loyal Readers, even though Äiti is really bad at commenting back. But please don't let that stop you......

Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

Tervetuloa! Welcome!