Saturday 20 July 2024

It's been a while.....

It has indeed been a long while, and times have been difficult.  Our Matriach, Jaava, went to the Rainbow Bridge earlier this month. This was a shock to us all. She was not that old and had anemia for which we know not the cause, and it took her very rapidly. Here is a photo taken the day before she left us, with Papu washing her.

Our Universe was shattered and the Felocracy is struggling to work out a hierarchy - Jaava sorted us all out (including Äiti). Mesi has lost her snugglebuddy (on top of Sampo leaving us not long ago - he was Mesi's best mate). Mesi is glued to Äiti which makes Otso jealous. THat means he gets snarky with Jura and Kalle. Jura copes, but mopes around as he misses Jaava. Kalle is still getting used to having wonderful eyes that can see, and is outdoors as much as he can be - and avoiding Otso who is big and scary to him. Papu does what he wants to do - which means he'll annoy Mesi whenever he feels like it. Mesi is a third of his size.   This will take time.

And then we got the bad news that I have HCM, which is already showing as weightloss.  

This all feels too much for Äiti right now - and she has her own inner struggles with a dizzy brain and she has just been officially diagnosed as autistic, which leaves her with a load of weird human emotions about the last 57 years of feeling like a poop in a food bowl. It's a good thing long term, but a bit of a maelström. Plus, she has been hit hard by the reduction in our numbers - she had hoped for stability for a few years as we are not really oldies!

So, she is devoting her time and energy to us, and herself, and feels pretty bad about the lack of blogging. But we felcorats had a vote and agreed it is fine for her to take an extended break.  We apologise to Loyal Readers, whole heartedly, especially those who have been our Very True friends for such a long time. So many kitties and humans we have loved and so many have gone to play in the tailio tangle of the revontulet

I have no intention of joining them any time soon, but let's see what my heart will do. I have many different yummy foods, and I get to snuggle with Äiti every night. I get to do a bit of supervised socialising, and I have my own balcony. Now you'd think that Mesi and I could cozy up together, but that would be too easy: we despise each other!    Kalle and I get to hang out a bit, but he does not let me steal his heats.

So, that's the update for now from FInland(N). We deeply miss our buddies, and it will all take time to settle. But you can rest assured that every morning when I feel hungry, I walk right across Äiti's face to make sure my needs are met! Oh yes, there is still a lot of life in this Nekkid Viscount yet. 

Be well, friends, and cherish your humans and your felines, and any other creatures that perhaps do not purr so much. 

Saturday 27 April 2024

Thursday 25 April 2024

Thursday report

 We thank you for your patience  Äiti is a bit 'off grid' right now. But we most definitely are not.   

Kalle has made excellent progress and his eyes are bright and clear - lovely and round rather than all squinty and gunky.

He is coming downstairs more and seems to be getting on with most of the Felocrats - Otso can be a bit big and scary though.

I am fine and have even been outside for the first time this spring. In protest at Äiti's poor blogging though, I refused to have my photo taken properly.

Mesi is really missing Sampo and she is spending a  lot of time on Äiti's lap She had never been a snuggler - except with her burmese relatives - but now she is a tortie velcro strip.

Saturday 23 March 2024

Soulful Saturday

We thank you, Loyal Readers, for your wishes and condolences. We know that grief is shared, and all of you have lost loved kitties in similar ways, and it all feels too much to bear. We kitties perhaps cope better than the humans. Jaava has been very vocal with her displeasure about recent events, and has been making sure Äiti is kept on track with our routines. She is indeed the matriarch of the Felocracy - Jaava that is, not Äiti! She is staff.

I have been pondering the changes in the kingdom. Kalle and I are spending more time out of the bedroom - all fully supervised in case there's a bit of a bitey or so. There are some comfy beddies downstairs, and I appreciate these. Kalle is a bit more shy - he and Otso have perhaps a need to sort out how they will communicate. Whenever the Felcoracy membership changes a little, there are subtle shifts in the dynamic.

Here is the weekend jigsaw - enjoy!


Wednesday 20 March 2024

Sad, sad Wednesday

We are devastated to report that Sampo has left the Felocracy, and gone to meet Those Who Have Gone Before.  He was far too young for this, and he is greatly missed.  Äiti is very upset to lose another young mancat before their time.

Recently he had lost some weight - he had been rather, erm muscular - but this loss became rapid about two weeks ago. X-rays showed a mysterious mass and surgery revealed this to be a huge tumor in his stomach (which is rare). Given its size, it was far kinder to not allow him to wake from the surgery.  In his last few days Sampo was extremely happy and playful - thanks to ystävämme eläinlääkäri and some good drugs to help his appetite!  He did not suffer and for Äiti that is the most important thing. She is so glad that on his last day his breeder and friend came to see him and he played like pikku pentu, and purred loudly.

This was one of the photos taken the day before he left us. Apart from being too thin, it was hard to believe what nastiness was inside him.

And this was the last picture taken of him, washing his Great Uncle Jura's ear in a sunpuddle.

Äiti will never forget the moment you were born - she received a message on her phone and photo of you, 'brown boy'. yes, she was in the middle of teaching a class but some things are more important!

Fly free, Sampo. You were a very, very special mancat. 

Saturday 9 March 2024

Saturday Slap Down

'We got him! Now Sampo you keep a look out while I make sure Papu stays still.´' 

Well, a little girlcat can dream, can't she! Papu will surely do whatever he wants - when he wakes up.

Here's the jigsaw. Enjoy.

previewMesi Sampo Papu

Saturday 2 March 2024

Smart Saturday

 Nothing smarter than a handsome sphynx.

And maybe you can admire me further as you do the jigsaw.