Saturday 16 September 2023

Smart Saturday

And now I have yet another top to wear.  This one makes me look very fine, I think. Most fashionable, and warm. Lots of protection from sneaky claws too. Oh yes, I am quite enjoying these clothes.
And of looky who got the sunpuddle to lie in!  Papu and Jura had to show me respect.
Enjoy the jigsaw.previewVeikko


  1. You look really cool, Veikko!

  2. You look very smart, Veikko. Love the name, "The Cat Face"!

  3. You look extra adorable in your new outfit. XO

  4. Love the new outfit, Veikko--it suits your handsome visage! (MaryAnn HT)

  5. Viscount Veikko, you are a stylish catto!


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