Wednesday 30 August 2023

Wednesday Wildlife

As I am alone in my quarters in the day time, Äiti is making sure I get time with the masses when she is around to supervise. I have been enjoying the sunshine - when it has been here for us.
I have not been joining in with the carnage of bird slaughter which Papu, Otso and Jura have been undertaking. Also, there are some very juicy young squirrels around right now - one fewer today thanks to Otso. Hunting season is really in full swing.


  1. Viscount Veikko, betcha that sun feels terrific on your bare skin!

  2. Enjoy that sun! It has been in very short supply here this year. Do you watch the hunting from your window?


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Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

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