Saturday 10 June 2023

Sunny Saturday

It is sunny, but there is still a cold wind. That's why I have my sweater on - ignore what Äiti says about it gives me more confidence and protection from biteys from the more feisty furry felocrats. 
And further down the garden, in the snack dispenser, our future investment is growing - daily.
Maybe Äiti will get miore gifts?  She nearly got another squirrel last week but Otso dropped it - twice! Now that has seriously ruined his reputation as a mighty hunter. 

For today's jigsaw, click here and enjoy! 



  1. Snack dispenser, Viscount Veikko...hahahahaha!

  2. We think you look so dashing in that sweater!
    Have an easy weekend, furriends.

  3. Those tasty titbits are growing nicely!

  4. You look wonderful. Thank you for the puzzle. XO


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