Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Weary Wednesday

Seppo and I get to spend time with in the rest of the house with the other Felocrats - and are pleased that Äiti is around to supervise. Afterall, it gets pretty active when Otso, Jura or Papu bring in a live meal from the Catio and all sorts of growling and chasing ensues. They can be mighty possessive when it comes to their mousie snacks. We nekkids stick together, and of course enjoy the facilities downstairs of extra beddies. 
And Äiti trie s to keep us busy and active, since this means she is more likely to get peace and quiet at 3 am..........


  1. But 3 am is prime THOE (thundering herd of elephant) time!
    Sounds like Aiti is much like our human-a real killjoy. MOL!

  2. I love that color on you both. XO

  3. As long as that rascal Papu keeps his biteys for the mousies, not your nekkidness, Viscount Veikko!


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Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

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