Saturday, 22 October 2022

Saturday Slacker

We are not pleased. Just because Äiti was tired - well, it's no excuse for her forgetting our blogpost. She should consider herself officially stinkeyed. 
The birdie stickers on the window behind a disapproving Otso, are apparently good at stopping real birdies flying into the window where they may stun themselves and fall onto the Catio - where we might be waiting. Again we disapprove.

And here is a link to an artified picture all jigsawed up. Better late than never.


  1. We had to put stickers like that on windows at my office; the Canada Geese would peck at their reflections, and more than one male Cardinal would make such a racket at my boss's window that he interrupted a few online meetings!

  2. Very cute photo. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  3. Hello handsome Otso!
    Sounds like Aiti is still being a “wet blanket”.

  4. Love you Otso, but also love the birdies. Maybe some mousies will visit the catio soon?


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Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

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