Saturday, 29 October 2022

Snug Saturday

Jaava and Jura are very grateful for their new beddy - thanks to Loyal Reader Lil' Ebba for not liking so we rehomed it for her!

Sampo has not had a chance to enjoy it yet, but he's looking pretty settled in his own niche.

And here is the jigsaw - Mesi from Wednesday all artified. Enjoy!


  1. That is a lovely new bed. Everyone is looking cosy.

  2. Stay warm in your beddies, dear furriends!
    (Tonya Woodruff)

  3. At my house my momma recycles beds and toys. There are 13 of us, and many are older so they don't play much. And some are from feral colonies and never learned to play at all. So sometimes toys and beds are a big fail at first. But then if they reappear months or even years later, someone is bound to like it.

  4. Not sure how I missed this post, but I adore the image of Seppo up close.

  5. Sorry I am so late. I wish there was a way to get posts sent to my email. Thanks for the puzzle. XO


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