Saturday 27 August 2022

Saturday Support

I thank you, Loyal Readers, for your support regarding my recent attack, courtesy of Papu. I am fine, and creating all sorts of ways to avoid my antibiotics but Äiti normally manages to get them inside me. Somehow Papu does not realise that my having no fur makes bites much deeper and more dangerous, and I am not about to give in to him - I will fight back!   Luckily I have dragon-glass claws which Äiti does not cut - even when I drag them down her back as I leap onto her shoulders. Revenge!

Here is a link to the picture, artified and jigified. Happy assembling.


  1. We hope your bitey is healing nicely.
    Have a great weekend, sweet furriends.
    >>smooches <<

  2. Of course we are concerned about are Viscount Veikko!
    Lovely puzzle...thanks.


We love comments from our Loyal Readers, even though Äiti is really bad at commenting back. But please don't let that stop you......

Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

Tervetuloa! Welcome!