Saturday 20 August 2022

Saturday Flash

In Finland (N) we are used to a fairly steady climate but in the last week, we have had some BIG electrical storms. Äiti was sat out in a dry patch on the Catio and got this shot from a video she took. Eeek.

She convinced us she was safe as the Catio was a sort of 'faraday cage'. We didn't hang around to listen to her nerding away, and stayed indoors.  Overnight there was such a loud bang and flash that I, the brave Viscount Veikko, leapt out of bed to check all was well. Äiti reassured me it was and I soon snuck back under the covers.

In the meantime, Papu took it all in his stride.

You can find a jigsaw of this picture here - all artified so the old furniture doesn't look quite so bad....


  1. Trust your instincts, Viscount Veikko!
    Look at that tart Papu.
    Off to puzzle, thanks.

  2. Thank goodness Aiti was safe!
    It would be terrible if something happened to her cat food opening thumbs. MOL

  3. I did comment yesterday so maybe blogger sent it to spam!


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