Saturday, 12 February 2022

Saturday Stuff

We have had a much more relaxed week, with less snow outside. Otso and Papu made brief mouse patrols, but their paws were too chilly for long watches. Papu preferred snoozing on the sofa.
And Otso was very pleased with boxing himself up.
However he did venture into the kitchen to spook Sampo, who was defending the kitchen table (with Mesi as an out of focus back up in her very own box).
As for myself, I have been enjoying peace and quiet in my own quarters. One Most Loyal Reader commented that this was 'away from the riff raff' which made me chuckle deeply, but to be diplomatic I cannot make an official comment on that.
So for your weekend puzzling we have a tarted-up tabster.


  1. Poor Sampo! He does look startled.
    We hope you all have a lazy weekend and Aiti gets kitty-piled.

  2. Otso looks very happy with his box. Sampo, those eyes!

  3. Viscount Veikko, enjoy your reprieve from rabble, and therefore, no bite wounds!
    This art is delightful, and the puzzle was too...thank you!

  4. Nice to see you all. Looks like some fine boxes. Thank you for the beautiful puzzle. XO


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