Monday, 14 February 2022

Hyvää Ystävänpäivää !

 Happy Friendship Day* from all of us in Finland(N). And that includes the eight and an half week old kittens from Kissmollin. 

*We don't do a romantic Valentine's Day here, and just celebrate friendship, which is much better for us kitties without our bitties......


  1. Our Mom goes ga ha over those kittens. Ridiculous!

    At our house we celebrate all relationships on Valentines.

    Have a great day, sweet furriends.

  2. I think friendship is best! Although my human may disagree just a little bit.

  3. Hyvää Ystävänpäivää to you too! The kittens are gorgeous.

  4. Happy Valentine's Day to Viscount Veikko, and Happy Friendship Day to Otso, Papu, Jura, Jaava, Mesi, Sampo, and Seppo, and to your humom too! Hugs and purrs.

  5. Squee- they are so adorable. XO


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