Tuesday 16 July 2019


So after my chin, I thought you might like a close up of my toes. And dragon-glass sharp claws. Unlike the rest of the Felocrats, I do not get clippy claws so I have great fun leaping on and off Äiti's shoulders drawing blood.


  1. No clippy claws? How do you rate?

  2. Nobody here ever got away with not getting their claws trimmed! Not even Binga - although after my human's ex moved to Nashville, she needed to have the vet do it.

  3. Veikko, we do so love ALL your bits - even the dirty ones!

  4. Black heads on The chin, needle sharp nails..
    Are you having The second teen age? ;D

  5. Those are nice toesies- a little scary as they are so sharp.


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