Sunday 14 July 2019

Monday Mooch

Further to yesterday's use of fur as a warm pillow - even in July - here I am using Jura for heat. In fact it was so cool yesterday, Äiti even put a sweater on me!
Incidentally, I do know I have a spotty chin. Äiti does clean it when I allow, but I like to show my youth with a bit of acne still!


  1. Keep warm Veikko!The weather is strange. One week it is abnormally hot and then it goes to the other extreme. I wish it would cool down a bit here before I melt!

  2. I am almost 50 and still get acne :)

  3. Jura seems pretty popular!

  4. Viscount Veikko, it's a sign of excellent management skills to use every cats talents to make you look like a prince!


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