Saturday, 25 May 2019

Saturday Stinkeye with Fangs

These photos were taken a week or so ago. Just as well, as it has been wet and cloudy in the last couple of days.
I  hope this is temporary - we want a good summer this year!  In the meantime, enjoy Seppo's teeth.
And of coure the Saturday jigsaw, artitifed with Lunapic (smoke) first.

preview100 pieceSeppo's fuzzy face


  1. I hope summer shows up soon.

  2. I hope the sun comes back soon!

  3. We are getting all the sun now and it even got to 23C yesterday. I like the artsy effect. Thanks for the puzzle. It will have to wait a week though as we are on holiday and they are not easy to do on a small notepad.

  4. Really cool art ! We hope the sun comes back very soon ! Purrs

  5. Very fine teeth :) Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  6. That was a hard puzzle! As much as we like to look at Seppo's teefs, it's always nice to see all of you, Viscount Veikko!


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