Friday, 24 May 2019

Friday Feathers

A lot of time is spent birdwatching by Äiti and we felocrats. She goes out to do so and has recently spotted some big brutes like this flock of cranes. These are huge but harmless.
We have a lot of these marsh harriers near here, and they are big predators whom we would not like to meet. 
But we'd like to get hold of these eider ducks. They are not common round here so Äiti was delighted to see them.
We get to watch the ones that come into the garden, like this greenfinch.
And at the bottom of the garden, the snack dispenser has six baby beakies; the great tits in the nest box are busy feeding their youngsters and Äiti is checking them for progress on the nestbox camera. 


  1. We have a crane that flys from one area in the morning and then back to it's nest/house at night. I would love to see a flock of them.

  2. We don't get cranes here, but a heron comes regularly to our neighbour's pond in the field next to ours and helps himself to his fish.

  3. Snack dispenser...LOL!
    The image of the greenfinch is terrific!


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