Saturday 2 February 2019

Saturday Return

Loyal Readers, we thank you for your patience in our absence, and your kind words of support as we have been steering Äiti through the Sads. It is indeed prime hibernation time seeing as the temperature has been very chilly and then we had lots of snow. There is, however, more light and the first rays graced the walls of the Catio on Thursday. But I still think it wise to place myself in warm beddies as it is far too cold to venture out without furs for another couple of months. But the spring will come - eventually.
And while we wait, here's a jigsaw for you!

preview110 pieceVeikko peeps out


  1. We always check the weather from your area and when our human whines about a cold day, she reminds herself that it's not as cold as Finland. MOL!
    So happy for your return, but we think you need to put on some clothes, Veikko. This is no time for you to be au natural........

  2. I hope the gloom lifts soon for Äiti.

  3. It is good to see you back again. I hope those few brave rays of sunshine help Äiti feel better knowing that Spring will return.
    Thanks for the puzzle which I will do later.

  4. Thank you for the puzzle. :) I hope Aiti feels better soon.

  5. Oh wow - we know about the SADS and hope Aiti can feel better - We know you kitties are a great help - especially in the warmth & snuggling department.

  6. 16:57! Chili Bruce decided that he needed to jump on the keyboard and bat at the cursor too!

  7. I am glad to see you are back. Spring will come, but not soon enough for me.

  8. Yay ! We're glad Aïti is feeling better ! Purrs


We love comments from our Loyal Readers, even though Äiti is really bad at commenting back. But please don't let that stop you......

Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

Tervetuloa! Welcome!