Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Worn Out Wednesday

After all that partying, I needed a snooze and our new beddie is brilliant for such things. Jaava and I snuggled nicely together.

Now please do not point out to Äiti that my ears are waxy - unlike Seppo, I hate having my ears cleaned.


  1. I thought that there was only one cat in that bed. :)

  2. Nicely squeezed!
    Didn't worry äiti, ear wax is a Never ending story..

  3. I'll never tell... but I don't think you will be able to hide that photo!

  4. You are both nicely snuggled in there. I think Äiti might have noticed the ear wax for herself without having it pointed out to her!

  5. we promise not to say anything about your ears!!! You look as cute snuggling as Frodo and Zulu!


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