Thursday, 3 January 2019

Thursday Ownership Dispute

Pekka took possession of the Nip Rainbow quite emphatically.
He was wide eyed as he savoured its nepetalactonic goodness.   
 Jura realised Pekka was under the influence, so made his move; he of course wanted some fun too.
But Pekka was still aware enough to spot the ploy - although he did have to put his whiskers well-forward to concentrate on the ninja paw, trying to steal the magic rainbow.
Jura tried the bitey - so did Pekka (who missed).
But then Pekka lunged forward to thwart the burmese attack.
Jura knew he was onto a losing battle; Pekka has the advantage of a kilo or two.
But Jura is always up for a tussle and a belly snorgle - even if it meant the Nip Rainbow was lost.


  1. That was very brave of you Jura. Unfortunately Pekka wasn't quite nipped enough to relinquish the rainbow to you. :)

  2. I think the nip rainbow wound up forgotten!

  3. Pekka, Sharing is caring, right? C'mon man. He's your bro!

  4. Whoa, a real blow-by-blow wrassle!

  5. Jura was brave til the end, but Pekka is a powerful wrestler, even if he's nipped ! Purrs

  6. I don't think Pekka will be giving up that rainbow!


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