Monday, 24 December 2018

Hyvää joulua!

To all our Loyal Readers and visitors, we wish you a Merry Christmas. 
We shall be having two celebrations; a Finnish Christmas today when we open our presents from Joulupukki this evening and tomorrow when Santa brings us more, and then we enjoy the organic turkey which Äiti has bought for us. Once Mesi has got rid of her silly hat of course.


  1. Merry Christmas For You too!

  2. jesh. God Jul ti hela gänget. I think, Mesi is perfect tonttu, any bad children or grown-up cannot hide from those eyes (there is no bad cats).

    Joulutorttu rules...


  3. Merry Christmas! Mesi, you make that hat look good. :)

  4. Two Christmases!! Wow--Can't believe you got a hat on a tortie!! Happy Holidays!!

  5. Viscount Veikko, wishing you and the whole Felocracy of Finland, your reptilian friends, and your human all the very best! Merry Christmas!

  6. Mesi looks like someone will be paying for that hat!


We love comments from our Loyal Readers, even though Äiti is really bad at commenting back. But please don't let that stop you......

Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

Tervetuloa! Welcome!