Sunday, 23 December 2018

Salmon Slaying Sunday

One of the Felocracy's favourite toys is a cuddly salmon. It was the extra special centre of attention for us the other night as Äiti had prepared it well for us. Mirsku was one of the first to savour its delights.
He gave it a good kicking.
And was clearly very much in love with it.
Why ? Well, we got a Christmas present from Äiti who went to our favourite pet shop, Muskettikoira, and picked up this seriously good gear:
It is designed to be a calming compound for dogs and cats, but there is a warning on the Dorwest website that for some felines it can cause hyperactivity. Really ? We'd never have known.


  1. Looks like it was properly enjoyed by the Mighty Mirsku.
    (Finally got a loaner computer to post proper comments!)

  2. jesh. MIghty Mirsku takes it all... Until girl power hits - Come on Aila and Mesi and Roosa


  3. Mirsku is in love with that salmon! I hope they all enjoy the "calming" Valerian!


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