Saturday 7 October 2023

Shiny Saturday

There are flocks of stinky birds in the gardens, and the less clever ones venture onto the Catio, and can even crash against the window glass. Äiti bought some special stickers for the windows to try to stop them from doing this. We of course do not approve, as a stunned snack or two could be yummy. But we do like the rainbows the stickers produce as the light refracts through them! So soothing on the fur. 

Enjoy the puzzle!previewJaava and Jura


  1. Papu, we know about those stickers, having purchased some for my former boss who had a bird pecking at the window in his office. The stickers worked.
    Lovely art, and thanks for the puzzle.

  2. Cool shot of you and pretty art. Thanks for the puzzle. XO


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