Saturday 14 October 2023

Saturday Snuggle Surprise

Äiti had to do a double take when she saw this. Yes, I am indeed in close proximity to a furry feline. Jaava is a noble peacemaker and friend to all of us. She had no worries about sharing a brand new beddie with me. As I am spending more time with the others, Äiti thought a new place to snuggle would be good and she chose something big enough to share, thinking that after a few days maybe I would be joined by another kitty. Well, Jaava and I were snoozing together within an hour, and Äiti had a big smile as a result.

And here is the jigsaw - a bit abstract but it shows off my tailio well. Enjoy.



  1. Good thinking, Äiti.

  2. That is nice to see you snuggled happily together.

  3. Jaava ain't no fool; she knows you radiate heat, Viscount Veikko!

  4. That is so sweet. Thanks for the puzzle. XO

  5. Such a beautiful sight!


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Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

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