Saturday 30 September 2023

Saturday Sparkles

For a few years Äiti has been using some of the former-felocrats cremains to adorn her scraggy neck. She has had them made into glass beads, and this week the latest bead arrived - Seppo's.  She now has seven - yes, we have had more who have Gone Before, but these are the ones she especially keeps close to her heart.

The beads are made by an amazingly talented, kind and helpful artist in the UK, Gail, who runs the PainintheGlass Etsy store. Totally recommended.

And in the meantime, back on the Catio, we are focused on enjoying life with a little packet of kissanminttu which Jaava is about to steal from Papu.

And here is the artified jigsaw. Enjoy.previewJaava and Papu


  1. Those beads are lovely, and a good way to keep loved ones close. Looks like Papu has lost his kissanmintuu.

  2. The beads are lovely, heartfelt reminders.
    Papu must be losing his touch, if Jaava was able to get the packet away from him!
    Will puzzle as soon as possible; thanks.

  3. What a beautiful idea.
    Each of the beads are so beautifully different, as were the kits.
    Enjoy your recreational kissamintu this weekend!

  4. That is a beautiful necklace. Such a wonderful way to keep your angels close by. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  5. The beads are such a lovely reminder of those who still have a piece of our hearts--wish they were available in the U.S. Jaava, you must be very stealthy and quick if you want to steal Papu's prize!! (MaryAnn HT, Wisconsin, USA)


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