Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Wedensday Worry

The worry is our pal Sir Stink-a-Lot, more properly known as Seppo. He has become very fat suddenly, and although we were all worried he was aboput to explode with his noxious gases, apparently this is in fact a build up of fluid which is pretty worrying. He went off to ystävämme eläinlääkäri to be checked and he is on medication. it could be a sign of the vile HCM to which we nekkids are especially vulnerable.

In the meantime, Seppo is allowed to eat whatever he wants, starting with the treats he was given in The Box of Doom after his bloods were stolen. he cares not for the camera, purrs loudly and demands snuggles - he clearly feels okay in himself. Long may that continue.


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