Thursday 16 September 2021

Thursday Musings

Moi !  So we had the slushy white stuff fall from the sky on Tuesday. I saw this as an opportunity and lay in wait on the Catio, as the garden was alive with flying feathers around the feeders. The stinky birds were hungry and plentiful. It did not take long before one ventured the wrong side of the wire, and within my pounce range.  I am getting better at this hunting business. This is not pleasing Äiti. She is deeply unhappy about it. Do I care ?   Nope.  Papu does what Papu wants.



  1. TBT loves the birds and so do we. But pawsibly fer different reasons. We're not sure why. HE likes eat eat big ones, we prefer the smaller. But we think birds are birds...

  2. Papu, your instincts tell you to hunt!

  3. Well, the bird did go into your hunting territory.

  4. I agree, do what you want. :) XO


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