Monday 2 August 2021

Monday Mancat

 Moi !  I am not in Äiti's good books. I do not understand why; she loves stinky birds, and so do I.  I just so happen to hunt them. And it being summer, there are plenty of young ones about, and they have to learn that the Catio is not for them. Those that are foolish enough to fly in, and slow enough ot to escape - well, it's survival of the fittest, isn't it ?


  1. Well meowed. The flying ones avoid our yard like it is red hot only dropping for a second to grab what they came for and up again. The ferals had them trained before our cat yard

  2. Yes, if they are dumb enough to get near you then you win..

  3. Papu, it's instinct, and your human cannot really be mad at you for that.

  4. It certainly is, Papu! Our garden is full of birds because they know it is safe here now.


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