Friday 4 June 2021

Furless Friday

And I also love feeling the sun on my hocks. I am currently recovering from yet another bitey (Äiti knows exactly who did it too but will not reveal the culprit to face the wrath of you Loyal Readers).  Anyway, this bitey became a big abscess and it was yucky. Äiti and I wrassle twice daily as I take the antibiotics - they are meant to taste like treats but that is not my view point. Her hands look a little lacerated, but she'll recover.
In the meantime, I shall soak up the rays to help the healing. 



  1. oh no! We hope you and your human heal quickly.
    enjoy your therapeutic sunshine.

  2. Oh no! Why do they keep picking on you, is it that they like the taste of bare skin?

  3. Aww, Viscount Veikko!
    Heal up quickly, handsome.

  4. You taste too good! Maybe some Bitter Apple will help? LOL

  5. That must be so comfy on the ham!

  6. I hope you feel better soon. XO


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