Saturday 7 November 2020

We return !

 We thank you for your patience. We have regrouped, and are becoming used to beng a Gang of Nine.  Aila and Otso have taken on mousewatch, although not as studiously as Pekka did this duty. Äiti is so glad of Otso being with us as there is a valuable 'moggy' energy. 

I agreed we could resume blogging with an arty tribute to our farm boy, Pekka. We hope you enjoy it.

preview120piecePekka in the snow


  1. Welcome back, just in time for puzzles. Mum has been making puzzles of me now too.

  2. I am glad to see you back! Loss never gets easier, but it is good to know that Aila and Otso have taken over mouse watch for Pekka.
    The photo of Pekka in the snow is one of my favourites and the art effect looks lovely.
    Thanks for the puzzle. It did take longer than I expected but I will probably try to improve my time tonight. I know it is not a competition as to who can do it fastest, but I like to set my own goals.

  3. Purring for you, and thanks for the puzzle.

  4. Welcome back. Thank you for the puzzle of handsome Pekka. XO

  5. So glad to see you and Pekka really starts things off well!

  6. Adjö GAMMAL GUBBE, You brave mouse man. Pekka with snow, so beautiful. Snowy PEKKA, the real farm boy. Thank You, so grateful we have honour to know YOU. Every great cat like YOU, deserve PUZZLE. For us, it was too difficult, cause ukko is so clumsy.

    Lilla-Ebba with gammla gubbar


We love comments from our Loyal Readers, even though Äiti is really bad at commenting back. But please don't let that stop you......

Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

Tervetuloa! Welcome!