Sunday 25 October 2020

Sunday Sorting

 We had some snow the other day, and Äiti used this as an excuse for not tidying the garden. Instead she put up an new, extra large snack dispenser (in the tree in the centre). It is for woodpeckers who are quite large snacks for us and come with a built in toothpick.

She did tidy the Catio and Otso was out inspecting.
He was not afraid of the snow and climbed to the highest places to thoroughly check things from all angles. 


  1. Oh dear, snow! Not here, please.

  2. Of course Otso is not afraid of snow, he is a Finn Cat.

  3. Mum has put out all sorts of snacks for the fevvers. Not sure if she put out toothpicks for them.

  4. It's great to see that Otso has gotten comfortable!

  5. That woodpecker will be a happy bird. Otso we see you are an expedition type kitty


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