Saturday 26 September 2020

Puzzle day

Here I am, all handsomely artified.
And now you can piece me together !
preview108pieceAutumnal Veikko


  1. Lovely art, Veikko, and thanks for the puzzle.

  2. Oh Veikko, handsomely artified indeed, but I much prefer you au natural.

  3. Viscount Veikko is always a favourite image for me, either as a plain old photo, or arted up!
    Thanks for the puzzle; it was a good one to play!

  4. Mum is not happy that the daylight is getting shorter, however we don't lose the sun completely.

  5. Viscount Veikko you look like they gave you a discount on your great skin. We like it

  6. Great art. Thank you for the puzzle. XO


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