Sunday 26 July 2020

Sunday Sprawl

Otso hates the camera. He moves away when he sees it but Äiti caught him right next to her, overnight. And look at the way his back paws are so relaxed ! Yes, he does allow belleh tickles but only for a short time before he gets his own back with a strong bitey.
Both Papu and I have spent time with him, and there have been growls and jealousy and sulks, but overall progress is good.


  1. He does look very relaxed. I love those neatly together back paws.

  2. Heck, Otso...I too get grumpy when placed in a new situation, but snacks make it all better...

  3. Looking very regal,eh, bella Otso

  4. He does look like he sorta almost kinda wants to relax and trust.


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