Friday 24 July 2020

Friday Feathers

 The doughnut vulture (munkkikorppikotka) reappeared on the Catio, just in time for weekend relaxation. Jura made sure that all was safe by going straight for its neck to immobilise it. 
Anf he was very pleased with himself as he inhaled the valerian vapours. Jura continues to do well, despite whatever nasty is in his throat, and we are very relieved he is showing few symptoms.


  1. It is good news that Jura is doing well and I send good wishes that he continues to do so.

  2. We're glad to hear Jura is doing bettr ! Purrs

  3. Sending healing thoughts for Jura.

  4. Glad Jura is better and he sure can handle that Turkey Vulture!


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