Sunday 7 June 2020

Sunday Status Update

Loyal Readers, I, Viscount Veikko, salute you for your loyalty, if you are indeed sticking with reading this blog after Äiti decided to abandon it for a while. Now I can tell you, there have been many discussions about this issue; there have been debates, negotiations, pouts, purrs, hisses and pisses. And that was just Äiti ! But given how vile and disrupted things are in the human world right now, we were all adamant there would be a continuation of our blogging. We celebrated with a feast on the Catio, and I think this picture represents us well: Pekka the moggy; Jaava the girl cat; me the nekkid. 
Our English contingent was nearby (well, Tessie is probably Russian in origin but after nearly 60 years she has no passport).
So, what has prompted this reevaluation ? Well, the first piece of evidence is summed up with this photo (and I do not mean the old and scratched furniture). Papu has been assimilated into snuggles, but an important felocrat is missing. Me. 
 Hammock time - Äiti is squished; I am missing.
There is much jealousy over the fact I have my own quarters and the Magic Magnetic Collar which allows only me to have access to it whenever I want. During my convalesence from the nasty abscess (all healed, but I am still suffering from  pilling each day just to be sure), I have learned I like my own space a lot. I emerge after peaceful naps, just in time for our afternoon meal. I am then chased and Sampo, Mesi and Jura harrass me, trying to dash through the flap after me. They are pretty annoyed that I get to sleep with Äiti. Papu is with me, but it is definitely my room. And Äiti sympathises - after such a nasty bite and all the scratches and burmese bullying, no one can blame me for wanting a break. I am not totally frightened off though, and I do emerge and stay with the masses when I want.
However, it is tricky to be spokescat for the blog when I am not at the centre of it all, and can see what goes on with the tussles and tumbles. So the other Felocrats - quite rightly - muttered that perhaps others should get a chance. Äiti also moaned that she finds it all a bit of a strain and her health (physical and mental) is pretty ropey so a change would help - but also maybe we should understand daily blogging was not always possible. Well, we were all incensed by that as you can imagine - there are a lot of us and if there are fewer blog posts, then we all get less photos of us over the innerwebs. So there's been a bit of a compromise that the daily blog will continue, but maybe Äiti gets a bit more of an input with her stuff (for this read stinky birds).
But, I need an aide with the blog. Now as you can imagine this sparked a lot of debate and there were many reasons for and against most of the other felocrats (too snarky, too lazy, too chilled out, too terroristy.....) but we all agreed that one of us kitties is different and even though very young, he is his Own Cat and does not follow the crowd. As you can see.
Perhaps as the old order of the world changes and humans realise what a mess they have made of everything, it is is time for the youth to have more of a say. So young Papu will also be writing some of the posts. We are a felocracy with the sort of equality of a republic, after the royal days when we had King Punapippuri before, and of course God Emperor Stran. I am a Viscount, and in time a title will appear for Papu if he succeeds in his role. Possibly President but we are very proud of our president here in Finland and do not wish to mock his role (and it is in complete contrast, may we add, to the style of certain other presidents...). So we shall see how Papu grows into the role - he's on probation ! Right now he is exploring and enjoying loads of things, and it is a little hard to think he may settle to blogging but he has to leran his ABC's and contribute. Also, there is the not so little matter of Papu's 'bits' which are beginning to influence his behaviour.....
As for me, well I still blog of course as I have much to offer and say but I also have a very important role helping out Äiti and ensuring her dizzy brain remains on track. As you can see for yourselves!


  1. Viscount Veikko, it's good to hear that you are well.
    Change is inevitable, so we understand how the shift in the spokescat role was made.
    But really, did she have to show your bits?!?

    1. Well, personally I am quite proud of my bits, and I thought it was fair comment to those bitey burmese !

  2. I am glad to see you all back again. That last photo sums up your thoughts on those Burmese perfectly.
    President Papu? Hmmm, you may have a very good President, but suppose he gets confused with a certain other president. Maybe Prince Papu would be less likely to lead to a misunderstanding.

  3. It is so nice to see you all. I agree in these tough times we need a sweet distraction. And hopefully a puzzle soon :)XO

  4. I am glad that you are letting others take a larger role in the blog, a Viscount shouldn't work too hard.


We love comments from our Loyal Readers, even though Äiti is really bad at commenting back. But please don't let that stop you......

Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

Tervetuloa! Welcome!