Sunday 24 May 2020


Recently I have been resting in my own personal quarters, the back bedroom. It is beautifully sunny. However I have not been feeling so well as that bite from Sampo (a few weeks ago) has reinfected inside and I had to be stabbed again by ystävämme eläinlääkäri. And now I'm on two lots of pills. Äiti has said a few grumpy words to Sampo about the situation which is clearly his fault.
But I am on extra food rations, brought to me whenever I hint at hunger.  And as you can see, I have a new yellow collar on, so things are not all bad.


  1. Feel better soon, Veikko!

  2. Get better soon, Veikko ! We hope that bite will heal nicely. Purrs

  3. I hope that infection clears up quickly with the pills and you are soon feeling better, Veikko.

  4. Viscount Veikko, this will not do! You need to be 100% on your game, 'cause you are not only The Felocracy spokescat, but Papu's mentor too.
    Extra noms is always good, however...

  5. I hope you heal quickly. XO

  6. Purrayers for all to be well !


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Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

Tervetuloa! Welcome!