Thursday 23 January 2020

Thermal Opportunities Thursday

I was asked where I reside during Operation Work-Stop, when others are on Äiti's lap. Well, I take the opportunity to stretch on the heaty pads. These are on timers and work for an hour. while Äiti is home, she resets them to ensure continualheat. It would be rude, and environmentally unfriendly to refuse this.
It is very relaxing, as you can see. Come closer and you can see my tonsils. If you dare.


  1. Oh yeah, you have to be environmentally-friendly - that's a necessity!

  2. You replicated My feeling from this morning precisely!

  3. Where are your teefs? I'm quite concerned. Did that Mesi *do* something to you???

  4. You look how I feel every morning, Veikko.
    I was wondering where your teeth had disappeared also.

  5. Viscount Veikko, we know that you dislike being rude!


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Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

Tervetuloa! Welcome!