Friday 6 December 2019

Happy Independence Day

Today is Finnish Independence Day, and we are in our blue and white sweaters to celebrate. We are also sat in the window. It is a tradition to light two candles in the evening, to commemorate less peaceful times when this would be a sign to Finnish soldiers that they would find a welcome inside the home.  We think we form a wonderful welcoming committee ourselves!
Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää! 


  1. Happy Independence Day! I'm glad to see you two dressed for the occasion.

  2. You two look very smart in your sweaters. Happy Independence Day!

  3. Happy Independence Day! You both look very patriotic.

  4. Happy Independence Day cuties! XO

  5. Happy Independence Day, and it's only correct to remember what was gained by becoming independent.


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Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

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