Friday 8 November 2019

Frozen Friday

Pekka has some serious optimism, hoping to catch the birdies as they stuff themselves on the feeders. Do you see the dark patch on the snow ? That is all food for the feathered ones.  So far, none has been food for us.


  1. I'm sure some not-so-bright birdie will come along, Pekka!

  2. At least those birds are being fattened up for you!
    I saw in today's paper the ice eggs on Hailuoto Island and as it is not far west from you wondered if you ever get the same?

    1. Äiti seems to remember hearing thatsome have appeared here sometime. She does often visit Hailuoto which is cose by - and watches those stinky birds there.

  3. Be ever vigilant, Pekka! As the great Wayne Gretzky said: You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.


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