Thursday 15 August 2019

Tired Thursday

A few days ago - when we last had sunshine-we spotted this little hoglet asleep. Then  we spotted the empty plate which once held cat food; he was sleeping off a feast from our food!


  1. Having some introoder eat your outdoor food is annoying. Those particular little guys aren't very whapable, but maybe the guys could spray on it. We sometimes have groundhogs dig hidden burrows in the far back yard and when TBT finds them, he just dumps some of our peepods down the hole and they leave. We had a persistent one who just kept digging more exits, but after TBT found them all and pushed cinderblocks into all the holes after dumping peepods, it dug a final one and left (a layer of straw over the top was undisturbed after a week).

  2. Oh, I wish we had hedgies around here! But not if they'll eat The 'O' Cats's food; The PO'M would NOT be amused.

  3. They eat cat food? We had no idea. Wonder if they like silvervine, too.... MOL!
    Have a fabulous Friday, friends.


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