Thursday 25 July 2019

Thursday Pile

We indeed have had the Hots here, and whenÄiti hasn't been out watching stinky birds, she has been in her hammock - which of course is ours too. Jura got in first, then myself. Seppo snuck in but Pekka here rudely tramples across us.
By the way, you can see my skin is maybe a bit tanned; I do go darker in the sunshine. I am pretty good at not spending too long in direct sun, and Äiti does not use sunscren on us (Aila has white ears and is sensitive too) because of the chemicals we would lick off. At the moment it is so warm that none of us stays long in the heat and we lounge in the shade; we are very grateful not to have the extreme heats of central Europe; 25'C is our limit!


  1. There's nothing like a pile of cats on top of you when it's 25 Celsius out.

  2. Is that Aiti in blue? She's hard to make out with all of you keeping her cool...MOL!
    Hope you all enjoy your sunshine.

  3. Viscount Veikko, I was in the presence this weekend of some nekkid kittens, who looked like small version of you! We were in a big air-conditioned conference hall, where it got very cold sometimes. I kept thinking about sweaters for the babies!

    1. Nekkid kittens - please please do not let Äiti read that. She would love little sphynxlets.

  4. I'm glad it is cooler where you are than what the rest of Europe is going through. It sounds brutal!

  5. It is good of all of you to make sure that Äiti doesn't get cold during the heatwave!

  6. You are all such sweeties.


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