Tuesday 25 June 2019

Tuesday Tweet

Each day we are woken by this creature, sitting on the roof of the house next door. It is kuovi, a curlew. In fact there are two, and some babies which strut around the area. Jura was so hopeful when one was in the garden after a storm, but Mama and Dadda made a huge noise protecting it. These birds visit here for summer, and are really loud.  In fact, I wish I could tape their beaks shut as they disturb my naps.


  1. We don't have these where we live, but we have to wonder if they taste like chick-hen...hee-hee.

  2. We get them here also. They fly up the river at night and their call sounds really eerie in the dark.

  3. They sound really annoying.

  4. We don't have them here. They look annoying, just look at his big mouth.

  5. Cool photo; we can see it's wee tongue! Nasty curved beak too.


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