Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Tortie Lair Tuesday

Each year, Äiti changes something on the Catio. So far we have had a couple of new shelves and now this wire basket which she found in the metal recycling. With a blankie in it, Mesi decided it was a good lair.
Seppo thinks it would be good to share - it's got a sunny location and he can fit by Mesi if she moves a little.
 No chance!  
Off you go, Seppo.


  1. that is such a smart idea to use the basket that way -- and what do you expect Seppo! It's not in a tortie's nature to share!

  2. Please Mesi, let Seppo warm himself in The sun so he May let off The wintery fluffy shawl on him..

  3. Nice try, Seppo ! Next time maybe... (we don’t believe it, but who knows ?)

  4. Enjoy that new spot Mesi. Seppo next time get up earlier my friend


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