Sunday, 19 May 2019

Sunny Sunday

Yesterday was glorious, and Äiti put up her hammock on the Catio. I spent a long time lying on her, and watching the world from a swinging perspective.
 Of course, I had to give her the bitey at times to make sure she stayed awake.
 And I also posed most handsomely for the camera.
So handsomely in fact, that no artification was needed for this picture for the jigsaw. Better late than never!
preview96 pieceVeikko in the sun


  1. It looks like you and Äiti both had a very good day. Thanks for the puzzle, that was a very nice pose.
    11m 25s for the puzzle but I think I can do better. I made the mistake of doing it in the morning and the light reflects on the screen. As I go by colour more than shapes I couldn't pick them out as well. That's my excuse anyway. I will have another try tonight!

  2. That hammock sure sounds comfy. I'm gonna see if I can get dad to hang one out on our patio.

  3. In Finland we have a saying with My amateur translation:
    From Love The horse also cicks!
    I'll Add to that: And The cat tenderly bites.. ❤️

  4. Beautiful portraits of you, Veikko ! That hammock looks comfy ! Purrs

  5. Such a cutie. Thank you for the puzzle. I am off to do it now. XO

  6. A ham-mick for the human sounds nice.

  7. A ham-mick is something that is grand for a cat to relax in with their person. Dad cant get in and out of one but we forgive him and will sit on the couch. Einstein says Good Bitey! He likes to give them to make sure you are paying the right amount of attention

  8. Viscount Veikko! Why giver your momma the bitey? Just rub on her and meow instead!


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