Friday, 10 May 2019

Friday Furball

Now this post comes with a warning - do not scroll down to the second photo if you have just had breakfast, are of a sensitivie disposition, or are just a wimp.  Here is Pekka, being all sweet and sleepy. This is a protective photo so the gross one doesn't appear at the top of your feed.
And this is the furball. it has bits of soil on it as it was yakked up outside.  It is BLACK. None of us is black (well, Seppo maybe).This was the second black furball in a month.  But this time, Äiti saw it being produced. By Pekka.  The fur is from MOUSIES!


  1. We have no problem seeing mousie fur hairballs. Congrats on catching so many that they could make a hairball!

  2. That's an impressive mousie hairball.

  3. EWWWWW! That was my human, MOL!

  4. Oh yes, I recognise those mousie hairballs! Well done Pekka, you are a Mighty Hunter.

  5. Such a cutie-the kitty, not the hairball :)

  6. Definitely a great hunter, Pekka! Furballs are a minor nuisance for such enjoyment ;-)

  7. Yep! Dad has seen this befur but not from any of us. We just grab them, when they wander into the house that is, and leave them deaded and covered in cat spit. Dads old kitty, Ming the Malevlolent, was an outside/inside kitty but she chewed things up really well so only a now and then creature-fur-ball. UGH.


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