Thursday 21 February 2019

Thursday Sun Worship

In eralyFebruary, very faint sunpuddles begin to appear on the Catio. On Sunday they were finally strong enough for some of us to take advantage. 
This is the Catio still from another angle though taken the day before so there is still plenty of frozen stuff outside.
And it was not just the furry felocrats who were brave: Seppo was desperate for the sun and he had to come out to feel it, just for a short time. I stayed inside - it was still too chilly for me. However Äiti will put sweaters on us to go ut more when the sun is a little stronger.


  1. Go Seppo! Gotta get that vitamin d.

  2. Brr! After my trip to New York, I've decided I don't really care much for any temperatures below about 59 degrees!

  3. We're glad you could enjoy some sun ! Purrs

  4. Viscount Veikko, I just walked from one building to another in our office complex, without a coat on! Woo Hoo!

  5. You all look so happy to grab your little patches of sun.


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