Saturday, 5 January 2019

Saturday Lie In

That'll be a lie in the nip which covers the blankie.
And here's a jigsaw of the handsome Mirsku in his reveries.

preview108 pieceMirsku on the blanket


  1. Thank you, thank you. I so enjoy doing the jigsaw puzzles from the Felocracy. Sure, I'm not the fastest however I often face disruption from Megs the Tabby Cat (who doesn't like cats - not any of them. Ever!)demanding attention. Happy New Year to you all - yes, including your human.
    Michelle in Wellington (and Summer) New Zealand. xx

  2. What a great way to spend a Caturday!

  3. What better way of spending the day than lying in nip, and most likely rolling too. I will do the puzzle later, thank you.

  4. You are rather calm around the Nip! I sniff the stuff and then make a big sudden twitch before I roll around in it. And then I want stinky goodness! ~ IZA

  5. Mirsku knows that some pieces will stick in his fur, so he can lick 'em out later!

  6. Great way to spend your day ! Purrs


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