Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Worn Out Wednesday

We have been busy playing, eating and sleeping. We have feasted on turkey, chased our toys (thank you Memories of Eric and Flynn; Sampo loves his sparkly little balls!) and taken refuge in the packaging - we are cats afterall.
And our Cat Bed from Finland(S) is an utter hit.
Now, where's the turkey - we think we have some room for a little more.......


  1. I'm glad you had a nice Christmas.

  2. Jesh. Cats do what they best can... Hiding, eating, resting and loving each others - and also Äiti.
    Our servant is weird, there is no any meat here... So, lucky You... And cream for LEWIS.


  3. I am glad you like your presents. We are away for a few days with no internet so I am trying to make my data last out.

  4. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas ! Purrs

  5. It looks like you kitties had an awesome Boxing Day!


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