Thursday, 13 December 2018

Thursday treat

We have been sampling cream!Äiti bought it for Lewis, and he gets the first slurp,but the rest of us show a lot of interest.
Jaava also shows an extremely long tongue - which goes with her very long whappy paw if anyone dares come close.


  1. Lewis is enjoying the cream so much that he is flicking specks of it onto Seppo! Eric and Flynn never liked it. An empty carton would be looked at with disdain, but the cats who came before would almost fight over it.

  2. Cream is awesome! It is even more fun when whipped from fresh!

  3. It's nice of Lewis to share.

  4. Looks like a cream free-for-all! Hopefully, Lewis didn't get stepped on in the onslaught...

  5. Jesh. Love Lewis, like my servant.



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