Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Merry Christmas!

And today we wish everyone who celebrates Christmas today a very good one. We lucked out big time yesterday with -as Äiti described it -an embarrassment of riches. We recieved two huge parcels with stuff for us: you might spot a couple of things for Äiti but we are the ones who benefitted most. We wish to thank Lilla Ebba's Servant - who also paid us a lovely visit and let us eat his joulutorttua (a sort of mince tart but with plum jam). And as always Ruska's kummi  in Finland(S). Seppo was straight in the new bed - and of course Mesi then occupied it.
And Äiti gor some great stuff to - her friends know her very well!
We'll have more photos over the next few days, but for today we are snoozing and waiting for the turkey to cook.....


  1. That's a lot of goodies ! Merry Christmas ! Purrs

  2. Someones have Been a Very Nice Kitties..! ❤️

  3. Wow, you kitties received a lot of cool stuff. That bag is awesome. Merry Christmas!

  4. Yes, you did have quite a Christmas haul! We hope you'll get to enjoy turkey, too.

  5. WOW! You are lucky kitties. Merry Christmas! XO

  6. Jesh. You lucky cats deserve everything You got, also included the most best Äiti ever. Have a great time.

    Lilla-Ebba, Max, Mr. Peemail with servant

  7. You got lots of lovely presents for Christmas.


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Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

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