Friday, 21 December 2018

Festive Friday

We do not really do festive stuff, and for some reason there are few ornaments around but Äiti bought these wonderful little kitties from the most excellent Savi Jonttu local potter.
They represent the traditional Oulu 'Tiernapojat' or star boy singers. Now the girls here are generally the more vocal onesbut we'll let this little bit of gender bias go.


  1. Look! It's the four wisekitties!

  2. We don't have much festive stuff either, and today I was asked if my cats receive holiday gifts. I said, "they are spoiled rotten every day of the year!" so, no Christmas gifts. That person agreed with me.

  3. Yesh. Real Oulu boys, tiernapojat - they are tough guys.Love them.



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Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

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